The Power of Love

Who are we?

Love Revolution is a collective committed to bringing light and change to the world by awakening our true nature of divine of Love. Once this energy is awakened on an individual level, shifts will start occurring on a collective and planetary level.

We seek to help actively serve humanity and provide unique transformative experiences for individuals to find balance, purpose and love in their lives. We are here to allign your energy and help you flourish into your true potential as an expression of Source Consciousness.

We need to understand how to properly align ourselves with the vibration of the universe

Planet Earth is in a deep state of crisis. As we face global conflicts, environmental crises, social unrest and economic turmoil, we as a species are in need of desperate change.

Could it be that our collective illnesses stem from a spiritual disconnection from our Divinity within? As understood by all Wisdom Traditions, the answer to our problems can be found within the heart.

And we are here to help uncover this infinite love within.

Eckhart Tolle

“To love is to recognize yourself in another.”

Hello, I am Isak

My purpose on earth is to help accelerate the LOVE REVOLUTION. This revolution has already been set in motion. It is, however, up to each of us to reflect the light of existence and contribute to the growth of love.

I do my best to walk a path of deep service to humanity, with a mission to spread love and collective awakening to all beings in the cosmos. Since my life changing spiritual awakening in 2019, I have traveled the world — Thailand, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Norway, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Vietnam, Spain, etc — humbly learning from various cultures and indigenous traditions across the globe. Spreading seeds of awakening and radical love is key to my message of hope and global peace.

Living in tune with the heartbeat of nature is core to my being. Formally educated as an environmentalist and herbalist, I encourage us to reconnect with the heartbeat of nature in order to help facilitate an environmental paradigm shift, in which we collectively realize our oneness and inherent connection with Mother Nature. I place a great emphasis on radical health in order to truly connect with the frequency of the natural world — key to our spiritual liberation and ascension into our higher nature of Infinite Love.

Yoga plays an integral role in my life. I received my yoga teacher training certification from the Andean School of Yoga in the stunning Andes of Peru, which further encouraged me to commit myself to a life of service to humanity. Nothing brings me more joy than creating transformative experiences that help people find meaning in life, heal their hearts, and unlock their true radiant, vibrant and loving nature. For in awakening we realize the Oneness of All.

Awakening cannot be taught or explained by words or concepts. As soon as the mind attempts to rationalize, conceptualize, quantify or qualify the experience of awakening, the contemplative mind takes back everything it has affirmed. This is because the mind is inherently dualistic, and the real within in us just “is”. It isn’t this or that. Dualism ceases to exist. It cannot be explained because it is outside of the parameters of  language, which is at its core dualistic. Language separates certain things from other things in order for the dualistic human mind to understand. This doesn’t mean language is a problem, instead it implies that we need to be aware of the limitations of language and the egoic mind. Elevating to one’s true self isn’t about self hypnosis but simply about seeing past the illusion of our false selves. It involves learning to be, rather than constantly being distracted by our minds. Awakening isn’t about adding something more to yourself, it is about uncovering the illusion of the self. When your consciousness identifies with the mind, or ego construct , it ties you to social conditioning, which you could call the matrix.

Our true self is always here, within us. Waiting for us. Totally forgiving even though we constantly neglect it. No matter what we do, it is patiently waiting. Samadhi is awakening from your character in the game of life.