Awaken to Your Nature of Divine Love

Dear fellow beings of the cosmos, we are here to assist you on your journey of awakening to your true nature of cosmic consciousness.

Expansion of consciousness, bonding with our bodies, spiritual awakening — it is all happening with each breath we inhale. We are surfing waves of higher frequencies as they roll through and round us, and Gaia. This is deep, profound and magical. Waking up to a world of hope, possibility, beauty and abundance. We can co-create our own existence.

But first we need to understand how to properly align ourselves with the vibration of the universe

Love Revolution seeks to help actively serve humanity and provide unique transformative experiences for individuals to find balance, purpose and love in their lives. We are here to allign your energy and help you flourish into your true potential as an expression of Source Consciousness.

Find the retreat to awaken your soul ✨

Come join us in Kauai this November for an unforgettable yoga and recconection to nature retareat.

Discover a Lifestyle that makes you



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Receive gentle guidance

With experienced teachers you can trust

Each of our registered yoga teachers have gone through certified training programs, specializing in a variety of different practices including Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Yin. At Love Revolution, we provide guidance for all levels of practice so you can decide what feels best for your body.

Meet your teachers

Remembering Your Eternal Heart

“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” -Alan Watts

The Beauty of Now